❖Ends February 05, 2025 at 11:59 PM EST. Excludes ground shipped products and express delivery. Cannot be combined with Flash sale model. Discount taken off regular or sale price excluding taxes, delivery, install/uninstall and haul-away. Only valid for new orders on Maytag.com. Offer subject to change. Promo code sent to new account holder email. No cash value. While supplies last. One-time use only.
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We are experiencing further processing delays and apologize for the inconvenience. We are unable to provide an expected shipping time; however, please know that we are making every effort to fulfill your order as soon as possible. Because this delay does not meet our premium quality standards, we ask that you please click the button below if you would like to keep your order, otherwise, it will automatically be canceled in 5 business days.
An error has occured. Please contact our Customer Care team.
You will not be charged until your order ships and keeping your order does not forfeit your right to cancel your order before it has been shipped.
We will fulfill your order as soon as possible. Again we apologize for the inconvenience.
For questions regarding your order or if you would like to cancel for a full refund, please contact our KitchenAid Customer Care team at 1-800-344-1274 Our hours of operation are Monday–Friday 8AM - 6PM, EST.
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